On November 27, Long Xiang, deputy secretary of CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee, accompanied by Xing Zhengjun, secretary of Qixia District Party Committee, Shao Jianguang, director of Municipal General Office and Zhang Lianchun, director of Xianlin University City Administrative Committee, visited the New Campus of the Purple Mountain Observatory in Xianlin. Party Secretary of the Purple Mountain Observatory Zhang Liping, as well as deputy director Mao Ruiqing participated in the investigation. Zhang Liping firstly gave an overview introduction of the New Campus of Purple Mountain Observatory in Xianlin. Long Xiang and his entourage subsquently visited the total assemblage laboratory of the Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) satellite and the extreme environmental laboratory of the Antarctic Observatory with great interest and listened to the current research progress of the Purple Mountain Observatory. Long Xiang celebrated the accomplishment of the New Campus in Xianlin and affirmed the important achievements made by the researchers. He made it clear that Nanjing would continue to support the research work of the Purple Mountain Observatory, and thanked the observatory for the support of construction of two significant science popularization projects in Nanjing: the Nanjing Planetarium and the Museum of History of Astronomy. 