On the afternoon of June 12, Nanjing Branch held the 2015 Fun Games, nearly 100 members from all units participated in the competition. Yang Tao, Vice President of Nanjing Branch of CAS, came and gave a pep talk. Yang Tao pointed out that the Games is an important activity that Nanjing Branch thoroughly implement the State Council "national fitness Ordinance" and carry out the CAS national fitness month. 2015 Fun Games is also one of a series of activities organized by the Sports Association of Nanjing Branch for the implementation of" innovation 2020 "development strategy, promoting the innovation culture construction and the implementation of the" 3H engineering” (housing, home and health). Over the years, by the means of propaganda and organization of a series of physical fitness activities, Sports Association of Nanjing Branch improves the workers body-building consciousness and scientific health literacy, creates a good and harmonious atmosphere, and achieves remarkable results. On behalf of the organizing committee Yang wishes everyone to get good results in the game, demonstrate style and skills. 
Yang Tao gave a pep talk 
Spot kick
Rope Skipping in 1 min (Information source: Nanjing branch of CAS) |