From May 26 to 27, more than 60 students from School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), visited Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), led by the executive director of Department of Astronomy Kong Xu. They successively visited Xuyi observation station, Purple Mountain campus and Xianlin campus. On May 27, they listened to some academic reports held in Xianlin campus. The symposium was hosted by Prof. WU Xuefeng, vice president of School of Astronomy and Space Science, USTC. Firstly, Prof. SHI Shengcai gave a talk entitled “Application of terahertz superconducting detectors in astrophysics”. Prof. SU Yang gave a second talk entitled “A brief introduction of advanced space-based solar observatory (ASO-S)”. Additionally, Prof. JI Jianghui gave a third talk entitled “Planetary science and deep space exploration”. These academic activities have further deepened the students’ interest in astronomical research, and laid a good foundation for attracting outstanding students to PMO. 