In this paper, we proposed a beam flexural-mode piezoelectric bimorph actuator. The beam bimorph piezoelectric actuator (BBPA), which is a sandwich compounds consisting of a lower and an upper piezoelectric ceramic surface layers and a middle layer made of metal, is driven to flexural deformation. The statical analytical solution and dynamical solutions from the three-dimensional equations of linear piezoelectricity are derived, and the dependence of the performance upon the physical parameters of the BBPA is evaluated. Numerical results illustrate the strengthen performances achieved by adjusting the geometrical and material parameters of the BBPA. According to the performance requirements of a deformable mirror with high stroke and high resonant frequency, its stroke must be at least 10um with a resonant frequency of at least 1000Hz. We see from the research results that the stroke of a BBPA easily satisfies the performance requirement but that the resonant frequency can only be met with the addition of a metal layer. The results of this research have been published by Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 
By with WANG Hairen Fig. 1 The dynamic dome height displacement versus driving frequency for different metal layers. (Information Source: Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS) |