On February 27 2012,Dr.Lee Richard Krumholz was awarded the Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientist of Chinese Academy of Sciences in the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGLAS-CAS).
After the ceremony, he started his job at NIGLAS with an excellent presentation introducing his research history and two of his research projects.Currently, Dr.Krumholz works as Associate Professor of Botany at University of Okalahoma. His research focuses on physiology and ecology of sulfate reducing and other anaerobic bacteria.
The Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientist of CAS is the CAS’s top recognition for outstanding cooperative work. The award was created in 2009 honoring the foreign scientists’ exceptional scholarly merit with a primary emphasis on the collaboration with their Chinese partners to advance the research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

(Information Source: Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS)