On Apr. 10, 2015, Dr. Xiaofei Wu from the University of Bayreuth visited SINANO and delivered a talk entitled “advanced fabrication methods of single crystal gold nanostructures”. The presentation was chaired by Prof. Weihai Ni in i-Lab. Many researchers and graduate students participated in this report. In this presentation, Dr. Wu introduced in detail somefabrication methods of single crystal gold nanostructures developed by him, which is also his research content in recent years. Particularly, his talk includes four aspects: 1) systhesizing single crystal gold plates with big size and high quality by using chemical methods; 2)fabricatinghigh-quality nanostructures on the above gold plates by using procedures-controlled Focused ion beam (FIB) etching method; 3) perfect transfer of FIB fabricated nanostructures by using multilayer substrates to grow gold plates; 4) regrowth of FIB etched single crystal nanostructures by using chemical methods. The audience showed lots of interest in his research, especially inthe growth compatibility of the gold plates with other materials (like semiconductors) and potential applications of the single crystal gold plates. Plasmonics, which is a subject on how to control light at nanoscale based on surface plasmon resonances of metallic nanostructures, includes broad research content, such as surface-enhanced spectroscopy, subwavelength plasmonic waveguides, ultra sensitive chemical-biology sensing and so on. Fabricating high-quality metallic nanostructures is the guarantee of these research and applictions. Compared with normal top-down fabrication techniques, chemical systhsis usually offers single crystal nanostructures with less defect and low loss, but it is difficult to obtain complex structures by using chemical methods. Dr. Wu’s characteristic research combined chemically systhsizing gold plates and FIB fabricating nanostructures, which is very meaningful. Brief introduction to Dr. Wu: Dr. Wu received his B.Sc. in the Division of Physics from Yunnan University, and became a teacher in the University Of Science and Technology Of He'nan. Then he went to Peking Universityto study for his Ph.D. degree. His supervisor is Prof. Zhang Jiasen.Beginning in 2010, he joined the Nano-optics and Biophotonics group of Prof. Bert Hechtand (University of Würzburg in Germany) and the Ultra-fast Nanooptics group of Markus Lippitz (University of Bayreuth in Germany) one after another, for his Postdoc research.He has published quite a few papers on journals of JACS, Nature Nanotechnology, Optics Express, etc.
(Information Source: Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, CAS) |