Invited by Prof. Hua Qin, Prof. Chunping Jiang, Prof. Chris Palmstrom from University of California,Santa Barbara(UCSB),visited Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SINANO), and presented a lecture entitled “Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of Spintronic Materials” on Oct 27th, 2015. In the report, Prof. Chris Palmstrom made a detailed introduction to their recent work and emphasized the progress in the understanding of the atomic scale structure of epitaxial magnetic metal/III-V semiconductor heterostructures interface and its influence on the magnetic and spin transport properties. About Chris Palmstrom: Professor Chris Palmstrom, one of the world's leading researchers of electronic materials, joined the ECE faculty at UCSB in the Fall of '07. Born in Norway, Palmstrom received his PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Leeds (England) in 1979. After five years of research on semiconductor materials and contact techonologies at Cornell, he joined Bellcore in 1985. There, he did groundbreaking research on semiconductor surfaces, semiconductor doping, polymer/polymer diffusion and the molecular beam epitaxial growth of metal/semiconductor heterostructures. In 1994, Dr.Palmstrom went to the University of Minnesota, where he soon became a leading researcher in several fields, including new spintronic materials that combine the functions of electronic and magnetic manipulation and storage on information. Professor Palmstrom fits well into UCSB's research programs where he has significant collaborations with Professors Gossard, Brown, Rodwell, Stemmer, and Van de Walle.
(Information source: Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics,CAS) |